Twin Lakes Amenity Information



A playground designed for small children to enjoy themselves is located behind the tennis courts for neighborhood children. There are picnic tables and a bench beneath a pergola for parents to relax while the children are having fun on the slides, swings, forts, etc.

Lakes and Fountains

Twin Lakes would not be Twin Lakes without the lakes. There are four lakes in the neighborhood that are primarily designed for flood management, but they also serve as a very aesthetically pleasing focal point, especially with the waterfalls and lighted fountains. Lake Del Sol is the lake behind the clubhouse, and Sunset Lake is due west of Lake Del Sol. Tranquility Lake and Mystic Lake are located at the north end of the neighborhood (Tranquility Lake is on the eastern side). Benches and walking trails are located around the lakes.
No fishing signs are posted at each lake; if you observe someone fishing, please contact Security.

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