Ways to Celebrate Labor Day

Ways to Celebrate Labor Day

September 05 2022

Today is Labor Day! Observed on the first Monday in September, Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.

The American work ethic is well-known throughout the world. Working more hours, taking fewer vacations and retiring later than workers in other countries around the world, Americans give it their all on the job. But to keep the momentum going and avoid burnout, it's imperative to take quality time out to enjoy family time, personal recreation and community engagement opportunities. Here are a few ways you can unplug and recharge your batteries over the long weekend. You deserve it!


Host a Labor Day party over the weekend with family and friends. Good food + good company = good times.


Check out Labor Day sales for items like furniture, cars and major appliances. Save hundreds or even thousands!


Plan a tour of a factory, farm or historic location where the value of hard work can be celebrated and witnessed.


Take a day trip somewhere new for a change of scenery and fresh experiences you won't soon forget.


For the home chef, cook or bake something that takes more time than you normally spend in the kitchen.


Express yourself by painting, drawing, making music, writing, crafting - whatever makes you tick.


Volunteer at a local non-profit organization and lend your time, talents and passion in service to your community.


Drop off baked goodies at your local fire department as a show of thanks for working on a federal holiday.


Call a friend or family member you haven't spoken to in a while and catch up with one another.

  Sleep in late or even take an afternoon nap - or both!
However you spend your well-deserved time off from the daily grind, make it count in your own meaningful way. Be intentional and productive in ways that nurture your soul - you've earned it.

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